Become a Monthly Member!
You’ve always fancied yourself the hero. You’ve just been waiting for the chance to prove yourself. Well here’s your chance! We need your help to keep this thing going. Help us Obi Wan Kenobi! You’re our only hope! (Go ahead and substitute your name for “Obi Wan Kenobi”)
How can you help? By subscribing and becoming a member, that’s how! So slip into your Jedi pajamas and pick up your lightsaber, (If you happen to be a different kind of superhero, don’t worry about the lightsaber. Or do. You do you. ) Then click on a monthly subscription level that’s comfortable for you. The magix of the internet will ping your credit card every month. Easy Peasy! You’ve saved the day!
But it doesn’t stop there! As a thank you for your support, we’ll send you a little token of our appreciation. It’s just our way of saying, “Thanks hero! You’re the best!”

Membership Merch

The truth is, I'm an imposter
The real Roosevelt Franklin appeared on Sesame Street as the first Black (as in reddish-magenta) muppet from 1970-1974. He was voiced by Matt Robinson who played Gordon. (The first one. The one with the sweet, beard and mustache. Fun fact: He was Holly Robinson-Peete's father. You are now that much smarter. You're welcome.) He attended Roosevelt Franklin (baaaaah) Elementary School along with his friends, Hard-Head Henry Harris (so named because he was a dumbass), Smart Tina (so named because she wore glasses and was therefore smart. Obvi.), Suzetta (so named because she was voiced by Loretta Long who also played Susan).
Of all the kids in class though Roosevelt was not only the smartest he was also the coolest and would very often teach the class important lessons before scatting and be-bopping his way out the door. (Come to think of it, I don't ever recall seeing an adult teacher.)
Despite his popularity, Roosevelt was dropped from Sesame Street after letters complained that he and his rowdy counterparts were considered to be negative stereotypes. Being a child at the time, I had no idea what happened to him. I just knew a muppet I liked was now gone. However, in retrospect, I have to admit the characters were pretty obnoxious. I would have probably been just as annoyed with them and would have asked my wife, "Why do we always have to be dancing and/or singing?" I would also have probably been one of the parents insisting upon his immediate dismissal.
So if you want, you can blame me for his demise, retrospectively.
Still, I can't help having fond memories of him. He was after all the first muppet that somewhat resembled me. This blog though is not dedicated to the memory of a retired character but resurrects and redeems him, casting him in the role of one of the many little Black boys that grew up with him and now have families of their own.
I just hope to God nobody sues me.

"This American Life, huffing gasoline”
Mr. Varnado takes the listener on insightful jounts that go past the the everyday into detailed reflections, ala This American Life. With a twist of irreverence, the Chronicles may catch the unaware listener off-guard, surprising them with an ear-to-ear grin.."

Who the @$%! is Franklin?
Hey there, thanks for asking! (Even if it is kinda rude.) Like all superheros and rappers, Roosevelt Franklin is the alter-ego of me, Gene Varnado, (sometimes known as yooj.) I jacked the name from a retired muppet on Sesame Street.
This whole thing started off as a lark when I started to write down my musings and ramblings about my family and life in general. It has evolved into films, podcasts and even merchandise!
You might be asking yourself, “So, are you a rapper/superhero?” Well, does fighting crime every night while crafting dope lyrics count?
…Because I do neither of those things.
I’m too busy musing, rambling, making podcasts and merchandise. Isn’t that enough?
I dig The Franklin Chronicles! How can I be down?
Great question! (And thanks for not cursing, like the first guy). You can help support us here at The Franklin Chronicles by subscribing and becoming Member. You choose the level you’re comfortable with and the magic’s of technology will ping your card every month. Easy Peasy. No muss, no fuss.
Because nobody likes muss.
Or fuss for that matter.
Sure, I’ll become a member, but what do I get out of this whole deal?
Another great question! (I gotta say, you’re on fire with these.) Turns out we KNEW you were gonna ask that. So we made a bunch of Official Franklin Branded Dope Swag™. It’s our way of saying Thank you for your continued support.
And hey, you get to sport Dope Swag™!
Don’t be surprised when random people walk up to you and ask, “Hey! Where did you get that Dope Swag?™”, and then ask for your autograph and want to take selfies with you.
It’s been known to happen.
Hey Franklin, I have an idea for some dope swag!
Ok… That’s not really a question, but we’re all ears! Send us a note through the contact page.
If it’s dope, we’ll prolly do it.
Hey, I’m fiendin’ for an update of The Franklin Chronicles. When does the next episode come out?
Here’s the thing, mad ramblings don’t just write themselves. (Trust me I’ve tried that. Y’know what happened? Nothing happened. Absolutely nothing.) Also until I can afford worker bees, it’s just me, writin’, designin’, recordin’, producin’ and ‘rythmaticin’.
(Not really doing ‘rythmatic. I hate ‘rythmatic.)
Longstorylonger, (and to actually answer your question), there should be a new episode of the podcast every 2 weeks. So just sit tight by your podcasting machine and we will reward your ear-holes by pouring, honeyed, Fresh-dopeness™ into them, twice a month!
You’re prolly thinking, “Ew! Pouring stuff into my ears sounds gross!”
…You’re right. If I can think of another metaphor, I will.